The Learner Support Centre (LSC) and Regional Centre (RC) Management Department of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University operates actively under the guidance of the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor and the Learner Support Centre Committee, with oversight provided by the Director (Regional Centers). Currently, a total of 8 Regional Centres, 292 Learner Support Centres, and 4 Extension Centres are functioning as outlined below.
Major Activities by the Department :
The department has undertaken several key activities, including:
- Providing information to college representatives regarding the process of applying for a new Learner Support Centre at the university and verifying applications or files for the same.
- Following the verification of applications for new Learner Support Centres, arranging inspections by the Local Inspection Committee (LIC) at the respective institute/college premises.
- Allocating new Learner Support Centres based on the recommendations in the LIC report, creating email IDs with the help of computer department for the newly allotted Learner Support Centres, and uploading their details on the university website.
- Updating the GCAS portal with information about newly allotted Learner Support Centres and the programs allowed to them.
- Appointing Learner Support Centre Coordinators after obtaining the necessary approvals as per the applications received from Learner
Support Centres.- Award Management: The department is responsible for managing the Special Learner Support Centre Student Award, the Best Performance Special Learner Support Centre Award, and the Best Performance Regional Centre Award.
- Preparation of details to be presented by the department at the Board of Management meeting of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University.
- Organizing the LSC and RC Management Committee meeting and preparing the minutes for approval.
- Preparation of office orders related to the expenses incurred by the regional centres as part of the smooth management of the regional centres.
- Supplying information regarding Learner Support Centres and regional centres in the required format for UGC-DEB, CIQA, KCG, Samarth, etc.
- Disseminating information or necessary instructions received from various departments to regional centres and learner support centres via email.
- Preparing a list of essential instructions for Learner Support Centres and regional centres.
- Organizing meetings via Google Meet to provide various essential instructions or updates to regional centres. Around 20 online meetings have been held in the last year.
- Preparing the format for MoUs to be executed with learner support centres.
- Facilitating registration for the Youth Parliament organized by the Government of Gujarat.
- Processing the closure of Learner Support Centres in response to applications for closing learner support centres.
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