Centre for Equal Opportunities and Inclusive Education (CEOIE) - Atri

  Special Learner Support Centre is for imparting instruction to persons referred to in the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995, the National Trust for Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disability Act, 1999 including the employees of Defence or Security Forces and jail inmates interested to study through the Open and Distance Learning mode. It will also run programmes like those being developed by the Government for Skill Development or Lifelong Learning.
(Ref: UGC guidelines on ODL New Delhi, issued vide F. No. 2-4/2015 (DEB-III) dated 23rd June 2017)


  To provide an administrative entity and/or location on a college or university campus with a primary mission to assist students to learn more in less time with greater ease and confidence and a secondary mission that extends its services and programs to skill development or life long learning.


  • To provide educational support in a flexible manner to enrolled students regardless of age, stage and background.
  • To assist in the identification of core groups of students in need of specifically designed learning programs.
  • To provide an opportunity for individual students to achieve academically to their fullest potential.
  • To encourage understanding of cultural diversity and learning styles in the institution.

દિવ્યાંગ વ્યક્તિઓ માટે NDFDC રાષ્ટ્રીય દિવ્યાંગજન ફાઇનાન્સ એન્ડ ડેવલપમેન્ટ કોર્પોરેશન દ્વારા કન્સેશનલ શૈક્ષણિક લોન

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